Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dog Basics: Commitment of Love

Dog Basics: Commitment of Love Tube. Duration : 10.93 Mins.

A short Nutnfancy video that addresses the commitment of love needed to be a good dog owner. Most folks have no intention of being bad dog owners but that's where they end up...and their poor dogs suffer for it. Dogs are a reflection of their environment. If neglected or abused, your large breed dog can quickly become a liability to you and cause you much grief. But good training is within reach of every person who understands their animal and applies consistent instruction. Allie is the TNP mascot and has been shown in several of the videos. As such many subscribers have asked about her training and my techniques in getting her to this point. I am not the total expert in this but maybe I can help owners of large breed dogs in some techniques and advice. To lay the foundation of this training however, I wish to emphasize the commitment needed by the dog owner. If you are considering pet ownership please consider the video's points. Your household should be prepared to accept the expense (food, treats, health care, toys, apparel), training routine, integration of the dog into your family (pack), need for daily affection and care, and a willingness to engage in a real exercise program. The rewards are huge. Like our beloved Allie, expect your well-trained and loved dog to be a valuable family member that will provide laughter, joy, companionship, protection, and adventure for your family. So if you're committed so am I...let's go train. ////////////////////// If this video ...